Inspired by this post as well as others, we’ll de-bunk and de-cute women-related terms and push for women to be considered equal from the jobs we hold, to the language we use to describe those jobs and accomplishments.
This International Women’s Day we wanted to address something that we see in many corporate industries. When women earn impressive titles like boss, CEO, and even Entrepreneur there’s a tendency to make them women-specific…taking hard-earned titles and turning them into Boss Babe, She-EO, or Mom-preneur. We'll always #ChooseToChallenge this language. If a woman earns a title, let’s call her what she is: a boss.
Inspired by this post as well as others, we’ll de-bunk and de-cute women-related terms and push for women to be considered equal from the jobs we hold, to the language we use to describe those jobs and accomplishments.
This International Women’s Day we wanted to address something that we see in many corporate industries. When women earn impressive titles like boss, CEO, and even Entrepreneur there’s a tendency to make them women-specific…taking hard-earned titles and turning them into Boss Babe, She-EO, or Mom-preneur. We'll always #ChooseToChallenge this language. If a woman earns a title, let’s call her what she is: a boss.
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