Hey Hey!
Name: Zoë Gray (dots on the e)
Pronouns: She/Her
Title: Art Director & Designer
Location: Toronto
Height: Tall
Personality: Optimistic
Favourite Movies: Spirited Away & Edward Scissorhands

Lover of all things aesthetically beautiful and organized, with a pinch of weird. I enjoy seeing how relevant/cultural trends can be used in creative ways and how stupidly simple ideas can be transformed into the best creative.

Past Experience
Humanity Agency
Art Director
July 2020 - Present

The T1 Agency
Art Director
Sept 2017 - Sept 2020

Product Specialist
June 2017 - Jan 2018

White Elephant Agency
Jr. Art Director
May 2016 - Aug 2016

OCAD University
Bachelor's Degree - Advertising
2013 - 2017
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